Argonaut Capital: Pushing the boundaries with Argonaut Capital – WildWest Design


On the financial pulse

On the financial pulse

Argonaut Capital Partners is a specialist equity fund management company based in London, which manages both long only and long/short equity funds.

Argonaut has a particular investment strategy, investing exclusively in high conviction single stocks (both long and short) and hedges market risk through single stock alpha generation in short book.

Argonaut’s digital communications are fresh, journalistic, and always engaging. From podcasts to videos and ‘Stockumentaries’, their views always challenge the consensus and offer a different angle to financial investment. As such WildWest created a visual style that captures that fresh and unique approach.

Argonaut Capital website displayed on a laptop
Argonaut Capital video title graphics
Argonaut Capital podcast graphics on a phone

(VID) Argonaut Capital What Have Fossil Fuels Ever Done For Us?



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